Being the biggest market for the Process and Packaging industry, here we provide insights into the world of the Fast Moving Consuming Goods (FMCG), with special attention for the multinationals, The Private Label market but also we look in detail into the specific branches of this industry, as well as the market trends.
The Process and Packaging industry with its high customization levels and export levels, has one of the highest Engineering to Orders (ETO) levels of the total industry. Understanding the characteristics of this industry are very important for the sales people. Here we look at how this industry is built up, what the important trends are within this branch and which elements characterize the successful companies in this branch.
Although the selling off process and packaging machines is more complex then selling non customized equipment, the selling process itself within this industry is always more or less the same. Here we look at some important elements of this sales process, like the Winning Arguments and Customer Binding. Important element of the sales process is off course the Negotiation , finalizing phase. Here we discuss important elements like how to calculate the lifecycle cost of your equipment, and the impact of 1% discount on the EBIT. As the selling of Process & packaging machinery has a high export rate, during negotiations you will be confronted with a lot of cultural differences in different countries, a lot of attention will be paid to this.
Sales and marketing always starts with a strategic plan, what do you want to sell, and where? And how do you want to do that? Here we look at subjects like upcoming markets, worldwide exhibitions, but also at selecting and managing agents, contract with agents, application marketing and the media and marketing mix. Also we pay a lot of attention to key account management.
The center in this whole marketing and selling process, is the salesperson itself off course. Here we pay a lot of attention to the required sales characteristics, necessary for a successful sale, but also the most important sales techniques are being looked at. With regard to the subject Time Management, we also look at benchmarking figures of how other sales people spend their time on the different stages of the sales process. As selling P&P machinery has a high international character, communication in different cultures is an important element in our program.